Veterinary practice leadership is hard work with a steep learning curve. Grow your leadership skills and business confidence through insights and education that help you win with people and the real business of veterinary medicine.

Kelly Cooper Kelly Cooper

Simple Acts of Empowerment: The Power of Names 

Taking the time to acknowledge and show respect to the support team you work with makes for a more cohesive and empowered team that clients trust so that you won’t have a group of nameless faces but respected professionals.

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Kelly Cooper Kelly Cooper

The Power of Empowerment

What is empowerment? It’s hard to say because it’s a term that’s so overused and so broad that it either means everything or nothing. Webster defines it in just ten words as “the authority or power given to someone to do something.” That seems simple, doesn’t it? Just do that. Hand over the power and let someone do something.

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Kelly Cooper Kelly Cooper

Are you acting like a boss?

Do you know if you’re acting like a boss or a leader? It’s easy and natural to tell people what to do, but the impact that choice has is not the one you want. Involving your team in decision making is the path to empowerment, where everyone is committed to solving problems and achieving success.

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